Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So I just did...

A webinar!! And wow, that turned out so much better than I expected. Besides my voice being a little shaky, (I thought) that was the best 1-minute presentation I've done yet. That was great to see so many people show up, and to see some of those that were sincerely interested in the topic. I liked the "testimony meeting" aspect of the webinar, as well. We really all did learn a lot, and I personally enjoyed sharing my thoughts on that and hearing others' thoughts as well. Rather appropriate that we would share all of this, isn't it? Especially in this online format of a webinar. I believe it really is a summation of the things we've learned throughout the term. Digital Literacy, significant research and writing to prepare for this, social proof (as demonstrated by our varied audience), and lots of connecting, creating, pondering, and proving. Good stuff. Great term, everyone!!

What I imagine our trolls may have looked like

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