Sunday, April 29, 2012

Take Two

Oops. Turns out I'm a lot less technologically savvy than I thought, and have therefore been posting under the wrong blog title. (Well that is embarrassing...) The first two posts, then, are just reposts of what I put up before. This one will serve as a short intro to my title, which I was dismayed to find I had to invent myself. Dang. That was much easier when I thought we had a specific format! This title, though, draws from my favorite poem, which I kinda like :) It is called Desiderata, a Latin term for "things desired." I've loved it ever since I first saw it on Mrs. Eisenhart's wall, sophomore year of high school. It is all the good and beautiful things I'd like to say about life, in all the words that I couldn't find myself. Forgive me for sounding cheesy, but thats what it is! Yay for poems that somehow sum up your whole life motto in twentyish lines! Love it.

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